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Organization Committee

  1. Develop ways to publicize, promote and educate the public about the Min Street Program

  2. Develop a fundraising program utilizing a wide range of sources from public to private sector to assure long-term sustainability

  3. Develop a strong volunteer base, providing training and recognition of volunteers

  4. To foster a shared vision for the long-term development of downtown


  • Partner Reception

  • Budget Development

  • Loan Management

  • Press Releases

  • Newsletter

  • Legacy Board Formed

  • Grant Research

Successful Projects

Get Involved.

Main Street Trenton models our organization after the unique Four-Point Approach. Interested in joining a committee? Let us know!

Economic Vitality Committee

  1. Maintain an up-to-date database of market information

  2. Survey consumers and downtown users about the district

  3. Develop an implement a business retention/expansion program

  4. Develop and implement a business recruitment program

  5. Promote downtown housing development and upper story reuse

  6. Encourage entrepreneurial development

  7. Develop incentives


  • Building Inventory

  • Business Inventory

  • Business Guides/Directories

  • District Map

  • Business Recruitment

  • Business Visits

  • Economic Data

  • Merchants on Main

Successful Projects

Join a Main Street Trenton Committee

Which committee(s) are you interested in joining?

Promotion Committee

  1. Raise Awareness of downtown business diversity

  2. Market downtown to visitors

  3. Market downtown through promotional merchandise

  4. Develop a well-coordinated program of retail/business activities that make the "cash registers ring"

  5. Develop special events to: present downtown as a place to have a good time; present downtown as a place for diverse opportunities and build a sense of community


  • Sip & Stroll

  • Five Points Festival

  • Scavenger Hunt

  • Beer Stroll

  • Small Business Saturday

Successful Projects


Design Committee

  1. Provide design assistance; encourage building improvements and good building maintenance practices

  2. Improve public spaces

  3. Educate the public about preservation and encourage preservation of historic resources

  4. Improve visual merchandising with local businesses

  5. Develop incentives


  • Multiple Facade Grants

  • Streetscape: New Banners

  • Streetscape: New Trash Cans

  • Streetscape: Sidewalk Signs

  • Seasonally Decorated

  • Outdoor Speaker Updated

  • Streetscape: Trash Can Placement

Successful Projects

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